
On this page we provide the results of the research, teaching and outreach projects developed in the Ressacada Experimental Farm

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Research classified by major areas and by year:




ANIMAL SCIENCE – Animal Production



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Research classified by major areas and by year:

ANIMAL SCIENCE – Animal Production

  1. Short-term behavioural effects of weaning age in outdoor-reared piglets)  M. J. Hötzel; L. C. P. Machado Filho; R. Irgang2 e L. Alexandre Filho. Animal (2010), 4:1, pp 102–107. The Animal Consortium 2009. doi:10.1017/S1751731109990875.
  2. Stress and recognition of humans in weanling piglets. Maria José Hötzel; Gisele Pacheco de Souza; Luiz Carlos Pinheiro Machado Filho; Renato Irgang; Ricardo Probst. Biotemas, 20 (4): 91-98, dezembro de 2007. ISSN 0103 – 1643.
  3. Resgate de ecótipo espontâneo de Vigna luteola e Vigna longifolia na produção agrícola sustentável. BENEDET, Hermes; RIBEIRO, Jose Antonio Ribas. Florianópolis, 2002. 58 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agroecossistemas.
  4. SEASONAL FLUTUATION OF THE MAIN SPECIES OF NATIVE PASTURES OVERSOWN WITH Lotus corniculatus (L.) AND GIVEN TWO REST PERIODS UNDER THE VOISIN RATIONAL GRAZING SYSTEM IN FLORIANÓPOLIS, SANTA CATARINA, BRAZIL. BORSOI, Gilmar. Florianópolis, 1998. 139f. Dissertação (Master in Agroecossistems) – Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Orientador: Mário Luiz Vincenzi. Coorientador: José Antônio Ribas Ribeiro.
  5. Pastoreio racional voisin : projeto unidade de gado leiteiro: Fazenda da Ressacada. MACHADO, Luiz Carlos Pinheiro. Florianópolis, SC: UFSC, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, 1997. 109 p. : il. NÃO DISPONÍVEL
  6. Melhoramento das pastagens da Fazenda Ressacada/UFSC: relatório de pesquisa. VINCENZI, M.L.  Florianópolis: UFSC, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, 1995. 13p. “mimeografado”. NÃO DISPONÍVEL
  7. Avaliação de métodos de implantação de forrageiras cultivadas no litoral sul brasileiro: relatório de atividades de pesquisa. PINHO, M. A. DE, VINCENZI, M. L. Florianópolis: UFSC, Centro de Ciências Agrárias., 1995. 8p. “mimeografado”. NÃO DISPONÍVEL


PLANT SCIENCE – Crop Production

  1. Physicochemical, thermal, and pasting properties of flours and starches of eight Brazilian maize landraces (Zea mays L.). Virgilio Gavicho Uarrota, Edna Regina Amante, Ivo Mottin Demiate, Flavia Vieira, Ivonne Delgadillo, Marcelo Maraschin.  Food Hydrocolloids. Volume 30, Issue 2, 2012. pp.614-624.
  2. Histochemical Analysis and Protein Content of Maize Landraces (Zea mays L.)Virgilio Gavicho UarrotaEder Carlos SchmidtZenilda Laurita Bouzon and Marcelo Maraschin .  Journal of Agronomy, 10: 92-98. 2011.
  3. Maize Landraces (Zea mays L.): A New Prospective Source for Secondary Metabolite ProductionVirgilio Gavicho UarrotaRicardo Brasil Severino and Marcelo Maraschin.  International Journal of Agricultural Research, 6: 218-226. 2011.
  4. CAROTENOIDS COMPOSITION OF Calendula officinalis L. PETALS, CULTIVAR CALENDULA BONINO DOUBLE CULTURED SORDI IN HIGHLAND AREAS AND SEASIDE OF THE SANTA CATARINA – Brazil. Aline Hensen Anastacio da Silva, Marcelo Maraschin. Work Conclusion Agronomy Course, 2010.
  5. Caracterization of local varieties of maize from Anchieta – SC to different isolates front to Exserohilum turcicum. Sandra SASSE. Florianópolis, SC, 2008. Dissertação (Master) Programa de Pós-Graduação em Recursos Genéticos Vegetais. Orientadora: Juliana Bernardi Ogliari. Co-orientador: Robson M. Di Piero.
  6. Adaptation of native tree species submitted to extreme frost stress under an agrosilvicultural system in the Florianopolis region. Ana Rita Rodrigues Vieira, Diogo Feistauer and Vanderley Porfirio da Silva. Revista Árvore Viçosa-MG, v.27, n.5, p.627-634, 2003.





  1. Handling of Castanheira da praia (Bombacopsis glabra) for the construction of life fences developed by açorian communities of Santa Catarina Island. CARMO, Victor Barbosa do. Florianópolis, 2006. 61 f. Dissertação (Master) – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agroecossistemas.
  2. Influências das oscilações de profundidade do lençol freático no plano de uso da Fazenda Experimental da Ressacada da UFSC. SACHET, Z.P., UBERTI, A.A.A., WEISS, A., HADRICH, G., RATTI, A.A., KRIEGER, M.  Florianópolis: UFSC, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, 1991. 24p. “mimeografado”. NÃO DISPONÍVEL



  1. Bioremediation of groundwater impacted by gasoline E10 using sulphate. RAMOS, S. M. NUNES, C. C.; CORSEUIL, H. X. In: Symposium X Italo-Brazilian Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, 2010, Maceió-AL, Anais. Rio de Janeiro: ABES, 2010.
  2. Avaliação da atenuação natural do biodiesel de soja puro (B100) e da mistura diesel/biodiesel (B20) em sistemas subsuperficiais. Assessment of natural attenuation of pure soy biodiesel (B100) and mixed diesel / biodiesel (B20) in subsurface systems. Chiaranda, H. S.; SCHAMBECK, C. M.; CORSEUIL, H. X. In: XXV Brazilian Congress on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, 2009, Natal-RN, Anais. Rio de Janeiro: ABES, 2009.
  3. Biorremediação de águas subterrâneas impactadas por gasolina e etanol com o uso de nitrato. Bioremediation of groundwater impacted by gasoline and ethanol with the use of nitrate. COSTA, A. H. R. NUNES, C. C..; CORSEUIL, H. X. Rio de Janeiro, Revista Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, V.14, N. 2, p. 265-274, 2009.
  4. COSTA, Ana Hilda Romero. Biostimulation with injection of nitrate in groundwater impacted by spills of gasoline with ethanol. 2008. (Environmental Engineering) UFSC.
  5. Remoção de nitrato de águas subterrâneas após biorremediação de gasolina com etanol. Removal of nitrate from groundwater after bioremediation of gasoline with ethanol. SCHNEIDER, A. C. COSTA, A. H. R.; CORSEUIL, H. X. In: XV Brazilian Congress on Groundwater, 2008, Natal-RN, Anais. São Paulo: ABAS, 2008.
  6. Monitoramento de áreas impactadas por derramamento de gasolina utilizando biologia molecular. Monitoring of areas impacted by spills of gasoline by using molecular biology. DA SILVA, M. L. B.; CORSEUIL, H. X. In: XV Brazilian Congress on Groundwater, 2008, Natal-RN, Anais. São Paulo: ABAS, 2008.
  7. Importance of ethanol on the natural attenuation of groundwater impacted by gasoline. NUNES, C. C..; CORSEUIL, H.X. Rio de Janeiro, Revista Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, V.12, N. 3, p. 259-265, 2007.
  8. NUNES, Cristina C. Dynamics of Variation of electron acceptors and metabolic byproducts in groundwater impacted by spills of gasoline with ethanol. 2006. (Environmental Engineering) UFSC.
  9. Biorremediação com injeção de nitrato de águas subterrânenas contaminadas por vazamento de gasolina. Bioremediation of nitrate injection subterrânenas water contaminated by leaking gasoline. COSTA, A. H. R..; CORSEUIL, H. X.; WENDT, M. F. In: XIV Brazilian Congress on Groundwater, 2006, Curitiba, Anais. São Paulo: ABAS, 2006.
  10. CHIARANDA, Helen Simone. Volatilization of BTEX compounds in subsurface environments contaminated with Gasoline and Ethanol: Comparison between Simulated and measured concentrations. 2006. (Environmental Engineering) UFSC.
  11. Avaliação da importância da rota de inalação de vapores em locais contaminados com derivados de petróleo. Assessment of the importance of the route of inhalation of vapors at sites contaminated with petroleum derivatives. Chiaranda, H. S.; CORSEUIL, H. X. In: Brazilian Congress on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, 2005, Campo Grande, Anais. Rio de Janeiro: ABES, 2005.
  12. SCHNEIDER, Márcio R. A. Weathering Sources of Contamination in Aquifers Impacted by spills of gasoline and alcohol and the Influence on Human Health Risk. 2005. (Environmental Engineering) UFSC.
  13. Weathering of Ethanol-Blended Gasoline in Aquifers – A Field Experiment. CORSEUIL, H. X., SCHNEIDER, M; ROSÁRIO, M. In: Environmental Science and Technology, 2005, Ancara, Turquia, Proceedings of the Environmental Science and Technology. EUA: American Science Press, 2005. p.26-31.
  14. Intemperismo da gasolina com etanol em sistemas subsuperficiais. Weathering of gasoline with ethanol in subsurface systems. SCHNEIDER, M. R., Silveira, O. D.; CORSEUIL; H. X. In: Brazilian Congress on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, 2005, Campo Grande, Anais. Rio de Janeiro: ABES, 2005.
  15. A importância da biodegradação anaeróbica em aqüíferos impactados por gasolina e etanol. The importance of anaerobic biodegradation in aquifers impacted by gasoline and ethanol. NUNES, C. C.; CORSEUIL, H. X. In: Brazilian Congress on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, 2005, Campo Grande, Anais. Rio de Janeiro: ABES, 2005.
  16. Avaliação da atenuação natural dos contaminantes BTEX e etanol em um derramamento controlado de gasolina através do balanço de massa. Assessment of natural attenuation of BTEX contaminants and ethanol in a controlled release of gas through the mass balance. Malamud, E. S. T.; AMORIM JR., C. J. OLIVEIRA, J. C. S.; CORSEUIL, H. X. In: Brazilian Congress on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, 23, 2005, Campo Grande, Anais. Rio de Janeiro: ABES, 2005.
  17. Cosolvency effect in subsurface systems contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons and ethanol.CORSEUIL, H. X., KAIPPER, B. I. A., FERNANDES, M.. Water Research,v.38, n.6, p.1449-1456, 2004. Download
  18. The weathering sources of contamination and risk analysis on sites contaminated by spills of gasoline and alcohol. SCHNEIDER, M. R.; CORSEUIL, H. X.; Malamud, E. S. T. In: 22nd Brazilian Congress on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Joinville, 2003.
  19. FERNANDES, Marilda. Natural attenuation of aquifer subjected to spill gasoline. 2002. (Chemistry) UFSC.
  20. Natural attenuation rates of ethanol and BTEX compounds in groundwater contaminated with gasohol. CORSEUIL. H. X., SCHNEIDER, M., ROSÁRIO, M. Appropriate Environmental and Solid Waste Management and Technologies for Developing Countries. 2002. Volume 4. p. 2121-2128.
  21. Evaluation of methods for determining the coefficients of biodegradation of BTEX compounds and ethanol in groundwater contaminated by gasoline. SCHNEIDER, M. R., CORSEUIL, H. X., ROSARIO, M. In: XII Brazilian Congress on Groundwater, Florianópolis, 2002.
  22. SCHNEIDER, Márcio R. Evaluation of Methods for Determining the Rate of Biodegradation of monoaromatic hydrocarbons and Ethanol Environments. 2001. (Environmental Engineering) UFSC.
  23. Natural Attenuation of Hydrocarbons in an aquifer contaminated with gasoline with ethanol. FERNANDES, M., CORSEUIL, H.X. In: 21 th Brazilian Congress on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, 2001, Joao Pessoa. Proceedings of the 21st Brazilian Congress on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering. Rio de Janeiro: ABES, 2001.
  24. Determination of the kinetics of bioremediation for BTEX compounds and ethanol in the process of natural attenuation. SCHNEIDER, M, CORSEUIL, H. X. In: 21 th Brazilian Congress on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, 2001, Joao Pessoa. Proceedings of the 21st Brazilian Congress on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering. Rio de Janeiro: ABES, 2001.
  25. The transport and Fate of Ethanol and BTEX in Groundwater Contaminated by Gasohol. CORSEUIL, Henry X., POWERS, Susan E.,HUNT, Craig S., HEERMANN, Stephen E., RICE, David, ALVAREZ, P.J.J. Critical Reviews In Environmental Science And Technology, v.31, n.1,p 79-131, 2001.
  26. Results of a Natural Attenuation Field Experiment for an Ethanol-Blended Gasoline Spill. CORSEUIL, H. X., FERNANDES, M., ROSÁRIO, M., SEABRA, P. N. In: 2000 Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water: Prevention, Detection, and Remediation, 2000, Anaheim, California. proceedings of the 2000 Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water: Prevention, Detection, and Remediation. 2000. p.24-31.
  27. Natural attenuation of plumes of petroleum hydrocarbons. CORSEUIL, H. X. In: 2nd International Seminar of industrial environment. 2000, São Paulo.
  28. Co-Solvency Effect in Aquifers Contaminated with Ethanol-Amended Gasoline. CORSEUIL, H. X. In: The Fifth International in Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, 1999, San Diego, CA. Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents, Petroleum Hydrocarbons, and Other Organic Compounds. Columbus-Richland: Battelle Press, 1999. p.135-140.
  29. Efeito do Etanol no Aumento da Solubilização de Compostos Aromáticos Presentes na Gasolina Brasileira. Effect of the Increase of Ethanol Solubilization of Aromatic Compounds in Brazilian Gasoline. CORSEUIL, H.X., FERNANDES, Marilda. Sanitary and Environmental Engineering Journal, v.4, n.1 e 2, p.71-75, 1999.
