Solicitação de Resultados de Pesquisa e Materiais sobre a Fazenda

16/06/2010 10:46

The Ressacada Experimental Farm at UFSC is updated your website and improve you wish to include the results of all jobs that were developed here at the Farm.

So we ask you developed a project here – whether in research, teaching or extension, please send us a link with the final version of your work or, failing this, send it in digital format for display on our page. In this case prioritize the format in single pdf file instead.

These results are of interest to us all and allow the disclosure of your name and your staff, and leave a historical record of the production of the farm. If you have old photos of Farm also send us, please, and if possible with information about them.

To send us these materials form via e-mail

Tags: artigos científicosExperimentosFotos

Seja bem vind@ à página da Fazenda Experimental da Ressacada – da UFSC.

11/04/2010 16:23

See the projects that are under development at the farm.

The landscaping of the entry and maintenance works are under implementation.


In January 2010 new agronomists were hired for the CCA, starting to act on the Farm: Marcelo Venturi and Nuno de Campos Filho, and in April Sebastião Ferreira Magagnin.

On February 5 was a colected 50 kg of honey at the farm. Those interested in proving, contact us.

In April, the Farm received a central pivot irrigation equipment to the area of 5 ha, to be installed soon.

Keep track of updates, progress and news from the farm through the georeferenced PHOTOS (CLICK HERE).

Documents of interest (portughese):

Farm resolution 2008

Rules 2008

New Projects Form (see Projects)

Tags: AgrônomosFotosIrrigaçãoMelobras