Arrival of beef cattle to the Farm

05/05/2011 08:08

Last year, 2010, the team determined that the Treasury would be required to use some animals to start the grazing management aimed at the educational preparation of future areas for cattle. For this planned purchase of animals for slaughter that were bid last year yet.

On the last weekend of Farm agronomists, Nuno and Octavo were the Bom Jardim da Serra – SC bid to choose the animals.

The arrival of the animals here at the Experimental Farm was in May 9, 2011, a group at 3 a.m. and another 01 p.m. They arrived with 30 beefs of mixed breeds with European cattle and zebu part age of about 5-8 months old, weighing an average of 156 kg each.

Since the end of the year the Farm team has strived to design, resize and rebuild fences and structures to meet the livestock industry.

Below are pictures of this work (2x click on photos to enlarge them).

Brete temporário praticamente pronto

Animais sendo escolhidos

Animais em Bom Jardim da Serra

Above: pictures of animals in Bom Jardim da Serra and interim brete the Farm.

Below: pictures of animals on the farm already.

Tags: Bovinocultura

II Curso de Cultivo e Manejo de Bambu

10/03/2011 12:14

para estudantes, técnicos, agricultores, comunidade da UFSC e comunidade interessada:


Teórico e prático

mais informações abaixo:

Data – 26 de março de 2011 das 9 as 18h

Instrutor: Eng. Florestal Thiago M. Greco

Certificado pela UFSC

DESCONTO PARA ESTUDANTES DA UFSC! (se informe junto ao contato de inscrições)

O bambu tem uma demanda crescente por produtos valorizados e a produção não está dando conta de atender o mercado consumidor: faltam produtores qualificados!

Hoje um hectare de bambu pode resgatar muito carbono com retorno garantido e anual a partir do oitavo ano (o que compensa mais facilmente possíveis dificuldades, diferente de outras espécies madeireiras). A partir de então é possível colher anualmente na mesma área com manejo adequado. Nesta área pode-se colher anualmente algo próximo de quatro carretas com 600 colmos, pagando-se (por baixo hoje) R$7,00 por colmo, se for bem manejado e escolhidas as espécies adequadas.

Existem diversas outras possibilidades como plantio para produzir brotos para alimentação e outros usos diretos: móveis, construções, paisagismo, instrumentos musicais, ferramentas, recuperação e preservação do solo, alimentos para animais, associações com outras espécies, geração de energia, fabricação de carvão, tratamentos de esgotos e efluentes líquidos, etc.
Neste sentido convidamos você a participar deste Curso e iniciar seu contato com esta cultura proeminente!
Informações e inscrições na BAMBUSC com Hans-Jürgen Kleine pelo email (48) 3338-2087


Tags: BambuCursos de Graduação e Pós ligados à Fazenda

Curso de Tratamento de Bambu: Tecnologia da Durabilidade

12/07/2010 15:47


for students, technicians, farmers, community and interested community UFSC:



Theoretical and practical

More information below:

informações sobre o curso de tratamento de bambu

UFSC through the Centre of Agricultural Sciences and Ressacada Experimental Farm together with

Santa Catarina Association of Bamboo – BambuSC – are promoting a series of courses about Bamboo, continuing with this course on Technology Durability – To prepare the stakeholders to use the most noble and durable Bamboo ( sign up with details and more information.)

Date: Saturday August 14, 2010

Location: Ressacada Experimental Farm UFSC – Neighborhood Tapera – Florianópolis

Registration and information: +55 (48) 3338-2087 or with BambuSC

Note: For students and members of BambuSC there will be discounts.


Want to know more about bamboo and its potential? Among the site’s BAMBUSC and indulge their curiosities!


Tags: BambuCursos de Graduação e Pós ligados à Fazenda

Bamboo Plantation and Management Course

24/05/2010 10:24


for students, technicians, farmers and community:


Theoretical and practical

The Brazilian bamboo market has a growing demand for quality products and production is not keeping up in serving the consumers: there is a lack of qualified producers! Today one hectare of bamboo can yield a lot of carbon with a guaranteed annual return after the eighth year (compensating easily possible difficulties, different from other wood species). Nearly four truckloads, each with 600 culms, can be harvested annually at a price of R$ 7.00 per culm (low estimate), if well managed and selecting the appropriate species.

There are several other possibilities such as the production of edible bamboo shoots and other direct uses: furniture, construction, landscaping, musical instruments, tools, soil remediation, animal feed, associations with other species, among others.

To that purpose Santa Catarina Bamboo Association –, along with UFSC, through the Ressacada Research Farm, will promote a series of bamboo training courses, starting with the present one (see poster below with details and more information in portuguese), with the aim to create the first Bambusetum of Santa Catarina, and you can be part of this story.

Date: Saturday June 12th , 2010

Address: Ressacada Research Farm – UFSC – Neighbourhood Tapera – Florianópolis/SC – Brazil

Registration and information: contact Mr. Hans Kleine (BambuSC) on tel. +55 (48) 3338-2087 or e-mail

Investment: R$ 100.00

Note: 50% discount for UFSC students, staff and professors and members of BambuSC.


Want to know more about bamboo and its potential? Visit the site and indulge your curiosity!

Bamboo Plantation and management course


Tags: BambuCursos de Graduação e Pós ligados à Fazenda